
An incredible writing opportunity

As the rock cliff is undercut by erosion, overhanging rocks break off. No one can predict when the next break will occur, so view the cliffs from a safe distance.

When I left the Star-Herald in June 2019, I knew there was a chance I would never be able to write professionally again. I had to do it in order to save my physical and mental health. It wasn’t a decision I made lightly. Writing is the one thing in life I have always had confidence in. Despite the fact that my life may have been falling apart in other ways throughout the years, I could always take solace in my writing regardless of genre.

I got my job as a journalist precisely because I kept on writing. I had a blog and then editor, Steve Frederick, thought I was good enough to be hired. I don’t think he was wrong. I’ve received many awards over the years, proving I’m good at putting pen to paper.

Since leaving the Star-Herald, I’ve continued to write here on my blog. I’ve also finished my memoir. I have a collection of poetry that I’m thinking of putting together to see if I can get that published, too.

Last week, Steve told me he met a guy that was interested in my work. I met Photographer Hawk Buckman at Cappuccino and Company to discuss what he wanted from me.

When Hawk presented me with the chance to write for Wyobraska Magazine, I knew I wanted to say yes. The magazine aims to cover all the things I love about living here.

I am thrilled that I have this wonderful opportunity. My only regret in the entire conversation was being too damned polite to take him up on his offer of buying me another English Breakfast tea.

I have been writing since I was a little girl. It brings a bit of peace to a chaotic mind full of childhood trauma and an adult mind trying to make sense of my place in the world while healing the inner child that never got a chance to just be left alone with her own thoughts more often than she needed.

I also asked a lot of questions. I’m sure my mother and grandmother were annoyed with me for bugging them so much. My mom bought a set of World Book Encyclopedias for my sister and me. When that wasn’t enough, I went to the library and researched on my own. It seemed natural that I would end up being a writer of some kind.

Wyobraska magazine is the first of its kind, covering western Nebraska, southeastern Wyoming, and northeastern Colorado. Photographers, journalists, and filmmakers have come together to bring readers meaningful and factual stories about Wyobraska.

What’s that mean for me? I get to write stories about local history, science, the environment, and places to travel in Wyobraska. These are the stories I have always wanted to tell to help bring alive the history of Wyobraska and all it has to offer. Hopefully, through my writing, others will want to come here and see them, too.

I already have a few stories I need to finish. I plan to write those on Monday and Tuesday. I hope to set up another interview next week. The interviewee has already said yes. I just need to get a time set.

The Wyobraska Magazine website is a work in progress at the moment and is being tinkered with until we have what we think will be the best experience for the reader. We’re getting there and you’re going to be impressed with what we have to offer.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some more writing to do.

NOTE: I will not be quitting my job at the youth shelter. I love it there. Writing for Wyobraska Magazine will all be done on my days off, allowing me to do two things I love without compromising or picking one over the other.


Sophie Scholl


Olga of Kiev


  1. Lane Helgerson

    Congrats, Irene! Sounds like it is right up your alley.

  2. Karen Jacobsen

    Looking forward to the articles. I have missed reading your interesting articles when you wrote for the newspaper. ?

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