In an effort to share good stuff with folks and rein in my giddiness, I’m going to put out some videos this year of good stuff in video and written form that I’m reading and watching. Hopefully, it will help others take a break from the craziness of the world and see there is some good and cool stuff in this world.

I am a big doofus who always forgets to smile. I hate selfies, but my head is warm.
As I pushed the door open to exit Great Clips, a wave of cold bashed me upside the head. It felt like a giant ice cube had immediately enveloped my head. “Shit,” I said. “I forgot my damn hat.”
This is exactly how Hitler took control of Germany.
In 53 days.
Cheetolini is not going to take that long.
I created this video about my grandmother a few months ago for a creative nonfiction class I was taking. While I had some experience slapping together videos as a reporter at the Star-Herald, they were always “quick and dirty” to get the information out. This was my first serious attempt at making a visual essay.
Some comments on the comments and a few other small things
By Irene
On 2025-01-23
In News
A view from a plane a few minutes after takeoff from Scottsbluff.
A few months ago, the folks who read my writings here started commenting to me via email. While that’s fine and it’s great people are reading my work, I wondered what had shifted. Why was no one posting comments anymore?
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