
Abortion: what we can do

I’m still trying to process the reality we now live in after the Supreme Court made it official and took away a vital right for women. I’ll be writing a post in a few days about my thoughts and feelings, but, I wanted to put up something which might help others who may be seeking an abortion or who may want to support people who are seeking an abortion.


The Guttmacher Institute is a leading research and policy organization committed to advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) worldwide.

Rewire News Group is the only national publication exclusively dedicated to reporting on reproductive and sexual health, rights, and justice. I particularly enjoy their podcast.

Know Your Rights: Reproductive Health Care is the US government’s website which provides information on your right to access care and have it covered by your insurance or other health care coverage if you have it, where to go if you don’t have coverage, and how to get information if you don’t know.

How to Show up For Abortion Access

10 Ways to Get Involved in Abortion Advocacy

A pro-choice resource guide


Plan C pills provides up-to-date information on how people in the U.S. are accessing at-home abortion pill options online. With a few clicks, options to several organizations and online pharmacies are listed with details.

Abortion Finder is an easy-to-use search tool built on a database of more than 750 verified abortion providers across the country. Abortion Finder is also available via text message. For service in English, text “Hello” to 435-3-FINDER; for service in Spanish, text “Hola” to 218-3-BUSCAR. Then, provide your zip code, and receive a reply with the three abortion providers closest to you.

AidAccess supports anyone with an unwanted pregnancy up to 12 weeks to access an abortion or miscarriage treatment. Financial assistance is also available.


Official SCOTUS decision [pdf]

We’re Not Going Back to the Time Before Roe. We’re Going Somewhere Worse: We are entering an era not just of unsafe abortions but of the widespread criminalization of pregnancy

The Real Origins of the Religious Right

Abolishing Abortion: The History of the Pro-Life Movement in America

The Racist History of Abortion and Midwifery Bans

Evangelical: Religious Right Has Distorted the Faith

A new poll shows what really interests ‘pro-lifers’: controlling women (article from 2019)

How Raphael Warnock Came to Be an Abortion-Rights Outlier: Religious, pro-abortion-rights voices were not always so rare (article dated December 31, 2020)

Anti-Choicers Drop the ‘Life’ Pretense, Increasingly Admit They’re Angry About Sex (article from 2014)

Original Politico article about the leaked SCOTUS draft.

Liberate Abortion’s reporter do/don’t guide[pdf] to writing about abortion.

I don’t have time to verify every link in this Reddit post, so proceed with your usual caution. I know there is some growing concern about the AuntieNetwork there, which is posted at the end of the link. Again, I haven’t had time to thoroughly research it, so make your own decisions here as to what/who you trust.


The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has a post about Digital Safety Tips: for People Seeking An Abortion

The Digital Defense Fund provides some advice on protecting your accounts and privacy in their post Advice for abortion advocates: the time to do a digital security check-up is now.

They also have a list of links on their website about concerns you might have, including how tech companies like Facebook and Google are storing your data, how your phone tracks you and other privacy and safety concerns revolving around abortion.


The Brigid Alliance is a referral-based service that provides travel, food, lodging, child care and other logistical support for people seeking abortions. We prioritize clients beyond 15 weeks of pregnancy for whom it’s generally more expensive and harder to find a provider near home. We are part of an ecosystem of support organizations that is propping up abortion care access in this country in an increasingly hostile environment.

The Cut’s list of organizations you can donate in states with lawmakers who are likely or certain to prohibit abortion.

INeedAnA.com provides a simple, up-to-date, and localized source of information for people seeking abortions. No search or user data saved. Information is provided in English and Spanish.

Keep Our Clinics supports independent community providers who provide the majority of abortion care in the US.

M+A Hotline is a confidential, private and secure phone and text hotline for people in need of support for self-managed miscarriage or abortion. The hotline does not sell abortion pills. The site provides a guide, in English and Spanish, on how to use abortion pills as well as resources on how to get information about finding abortion pills.

The Midwest Access Coalition helps people traveling to, from, and within the Midwest access a safe, legal abortion with support in the following areas: travel coordination and costs, lodging, food, medicine, and emotional support.

The National Network of Abortion Funds builds power with members to remove financial and logistical barriers to abortion access by centering people who have abortions and organizing at the intersections of racial, economic, and reproductive justice.

ReproLegal Helpline is a free, confidential source for legal advice and information on self-managed abortion. The site can be read in English, Spanish, and simplified Chinese.

Whatever you choose to do, don’t give up. Nearly 70% of Americans want access to abortion to be legal. I’ve been reading encouraging news from state governments, which are moving forward with protecting the right to an abortion. The president is on our side, but we all have to step up. A blue landslide is needed in November and even then, we have to keep fighting.

Please also remember, if you know me, if your life is better because I was or am in it, it’s because access to abortion was available to me in 1984. Without Roe v Wade, I wouldn’t be here. Consider helping the many others who are in a similar position as I was, who have now lost a fundamental right.

No one has the right to take away your bodily autonomy. We have to continue to fight, however that may look to you. Don’t give up.

Let’s go camping.


With sorrow


Monday Musings: Andy Griffith


  1. Thank you for all the links and information in this post! Would it be OK for me to share it on my blog with a short intro, and a link to your post (I wouldn’t post the material on my blog, just the link). I think it’s got so much good information for people.

    • Irene

      Absolutely. The more people who can see it, the better.

  2. Sherry

    I was directed to your site by Annie (from Wynn’s World). Thank you for putting this together. It is important we all speak up and out.

    • Irene

      You’re welcome. It was my pleasure. And, please, feel free to share it if you feel the need.

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