
Me and a turtle

While out for a drive in western Scotts Bluff County on June 28, 2022, I assisted an Ornate Box turtle across the road. These turtles are well-known across the Great Plains and are protected in Nebraska.

I hope you enjoy this silly picture of me and a turtle as a light-hearted post to distract us all for a moment from the news of the world right now. It did move pretty quickly for a turtle, so I’m sure it would have been okay without me, but I decided to make sure it got to safety anyway.


They won’t stop until all women are chattel


Monday Musings: It’s just another day now


  1. KT

    Love it! 😊🐒
    Good job, Irene! Better safe than sorry.
    I’d do the same. πŸ€“

  2. Red

    Y’know, it looks like that turtle is running away from you. The options for balloon quotes are unlimited: Let me go! Help!

  3. Love this, it’s the little acts that show our humanity.

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