
Email update

Hopefully, this will be the last update I need to make about my mailing list.

After the trial with MailChimp did not go as planned, I have set up an account with Mailer Lite. Test emails to myself have worked well. If it works as intended, I will turn off the plugin I am currently using after this email goes out today.

That means, most of you should receive the automated email you have always received. You will also receive the Mailer Lite email at 7 a.m., Mountain Time.

If all goes as planned, this will be the final test before I turn off the old plugin and stick strictly with Mailer Lite. You won’t need to to anything on your end. I will take it from here.

In the future, your notification emails will arrive at 7 a.m., with my latest post. Since I tend to finish writing my posts around 2 or 3 a.m., I thought this would be a good time to send the emails out. This should also solve the issue of some people not receiving their emails.

The only thing that may change in the future would be the time of your email notification. I also have the option for the email to list the last few posts. For the moment, I just want to make sure the notifications actually reach people before I start tinkering with things.

Please let me know if anything goes wrong today or in the future.


Rabbit turns 50


This isn’t the post I intended to write

1 Comment

  1. Carol Sinner

    Looks good!

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