I have come to enjoy audio books over the past few years. I still prefer a good book in my hands, but there is a place for audio and, if the narrator is a good one, it makes you enjoy the subject so much more.
Tag: reading Page 1 of 2
I’ve got a new stack of books just itching to be read over the next year. My new year typically begins sometime in November. October and the beginning of November is where most of my trauma occurred, so when I start to feeling better I like to start fresh and a new reading list is one of the ways I try to do it.
I’m getting this out late, so some of the books on my list I have already read. It is also an ambitious list, so we will see if I can get through them all.
Note: to any of you who got the Book List notification, it wasn’t supposed to go out until Jan. 22. I think I got the scheduling part right now, so I apologize for spamming your email today. Thanks for being patient with me on this.
Note 2: Okay, folks. I’m a dummy. I forgot to turn off the notifications for MailerLite. This should not happen again. You should only be getting one notification from now on. I knew I forgot something yesterday. I apologize and you all can kick me later.
Many years ago, I used Icegram Express when it was known as Email Subscribers on my site. People who signed up via Icegram would receive an email every time I wrote a post and it worked well. Then, something went wrong and it wouldn’t send to hotmail anymore. So, I did some investigating and found MailerLite solved all my needs except for one. I made the switch as I felt I could deal with that one thing.
My grandmother taught me many lessons. The one I have never forgotten and took notice of was the day she pointed to her head and said, “Whatever you put up here, no one can ever take away from you.”
I’m not sure if it was an innate desire to learn, my grandmother’s guidance, or a little of both, but I have always loved to read and to learn. The majority of books I own and have read in life are nonfiction. The fiction I read has to have meaning and it has to teach me something.
One of the things I enjoy in life is learning. Since deleting my social media accounts, I’ve had time to do more of what I love. Here’s a sampling of what I’ve read in the last couple of weeks. I hope you find something enjoyable.
In 44 BCE, Marcus Tullius Cicero wrote about friendship. He was inspired by Greek philosophers, such as Plato and Aristotle, who also wrote on the topic, but Cicero’s guide has been influential since the time he put pen to paper.
This is the third set of longform readings I have come across in 2018. they cover a wide range of topics, yet all are interesting and well worth the time investment required to read them.
For the past decade, I’ve been posting about the books I’ve read throughout the year and sharing my list with others. This will be my last list I make as there doesn’t seem to be a desire for people to read anymore and they certainly aren’t paying attention to what I’m looking at. I also no longer have the desire to make such a post, particularly when it is long enough to be spread over two posts during the year. I have other things I want to write about and my opinion on particular books is not one of them.