
Tag: news

People are not illegal, so let them come and exercise their due process

There has been a lot of fear mongering about the caravan of people headed toward the United States. President Donald Trump has whipped people into a frenzy about how dangerous this group is while providing little evidence.

Shifting the balance of power in arts and culture

I saw this episode of Arts.21 while I was on vacation in Hong Kong and wanted to share.

What reporters do when covering stories

I work the fourth Saturday of every month. That means I cover the Polar Plunge each year as well. I never know a good time to get there. The event always starts at 11 a.m., but you want to get there and interview some people ahead of time, take some photographs for the photo gallery of set up and the crowd. Some years I get there at the right time. Some years, like this year, I was early.

Fortunately, my partner in crime, Reporter Charissa Bryce, was coming with me to do video. I would write the story and take photos. In the past, I’ve had to do all three.

Naturally, we had some time to goof off. This is how a reporter spends their time when they can’t leave an event, but are slightly bored.

What’s it like in a newsroom?

If you walk into a newsroom on any given day, you’ll see people banging away on their keyboards. Some are swearing their computer is too slow. Others are jamming the keys so fast, you’re amazed at the words that come across the screen.

The Star-Herald on Saturday is mostly empty. There’s a reporter and two people on the copy desk. Sometimes, the Special Projects Editor is there, too.

I am not your enemy

On Friday night, Donald Trump tweeted, once again, about his disdain for the media.

My twitter feed filled soon after with cases of journalists who are not the enemy. Journalist Lauren Wolfe pointed out countries, such as Russia, Burma and Venezuela where the media has been declared enemies of the state.

Immigrants make us all better

Immigrants have been part of my life for as long as I can remember. Every immigrant I have ever known has had a positive effect on my life and shaped who I am today.

Last week, US District Judge James L. Robart ruled against the president’s executive order banning Muslims from Somalia, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Syria, Libya, and Yemen after a lawsuit was filed against the EO. Robart granted a temporary restraining order.

Paywalls are not the answer for online media

If you visit the Star-Herald and are not a subscriber, you will be presented with a notice that you have 13 more stories to read before you will have to subscribe. You have just hit a soft, or metered, paywall. I don’t like paywalls. I circumvent them when I can and stop visiting a site if I can’t. Yet, paywalls are also a fundamental part of my place of employment.

Paywalls restrict the free flow of information. I want the most people possible to see my work. A paywall prevents that from happening. People tell me they would like to read my work, but can’t because they’ve hit the paywall.

A dollar store Lex Luthor

The week has been a stressful one with the passing of a beloved teacher.

A redditor made me laugh by calling Gov. Pete Ricketts names.

It just intrigues me that there’s a “Nebraskans for the Death Penalty Group”, and Ricketts is giving shit loads of money to it.
“I’ve got 200k burning a hole in my pocket. Should I donate to the Sienna Francis House? No. People’s City Mission? Doctors w/o Borders? No. Ooh, this group’s stance is killing people. I can get behind that.” Fucking dollar store Lex Luthor.

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