
Category: Watching & Reading Page 3 of 5

The world turns and things got better

As birthdays go, this one wasn’t too terrible. For decades, my birthday was never celbrated. I didn’t have any friends to celebrate and the most I had was my mom calling me at 8:19 a.m., East Coast time to sing “Happy Birthday” to me. Today, was a good one.

COVID-19 ignored blue flags and refused to move over

Everyone thought the Australian Grand Prix was going to happen. It didn’t. Then, everything changed.

Memories of a messiah provide insight into my own mind

Human memory is a curious thing. We are constantly learning more about how our brains work, the connections it makes, and how we come to believe what truth really is.

Advice from 44 BCE

My friend, Bas, and my husband, Paul on July 26, 2015.

In 44 BCE, Marcus Tullius Cicero wrote about friendship. He was inspired by Greek philosophers, such as Plato and Aristotle, who also wrote on the topic, but Cicero’s guide has been influential since the time he put pen to paper.

Running through the streets naked covered in green jello

Movies are a magical world which take me away from my own life, but the films I watch tend to tackle the hard questions in life. They make me think, laugh, cry, and wonder about my place in the universe.

Since we’re all still sitting at home, I thought I would make a list of some my favorite underrated gems I like to recommend to others.

The force has always been with me

About a week or so before my seventh birthday, my family climbed into my grandma’s gold station wagon. We were headed out to the Fair Oaks Drive-In to see this new movie everyone was talking about. It had opened on May 25, 1977, but this was the first time my mom could take us all.

Current playlist

For the past year, I have been listening to music with no lyrics because I couldn’t take the unintended triggers music I like was causing me. I made a new playlist today. If it doesn’t work, I will go back to the nice playlist a pirate friend of mine made.

A soul who sought solitude in the places I roam

When you hear the name Crazy Horse, many people conjure up images of the Oglala Lakota war leader fighting at such places as the Battle of the Rosebud, Battle of the Hundred-in-the-Hands (Fetterman Fight), and the Battle of the Greasy Grass (Battle of the Little Bighorn) to retain the Lakota way of life.

Things to one’s self

Meditations” by Marcus Aurelius shouldn’t exist, but I’m glad it does. It is a set of personal writings by the Roman emperor and provides a wealth of insight into the man who struggled with the same things we still struggle with today.

Meditations, or Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν, literally translates as “things to one’s self.” It is a collection of private notes Marcus wrote to himself.

In the twelve books of “Meditations,” you see his quest for guidance on doing the right thing and to continually improve himself. One of his more famous quotes, “Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one,” is the logical conclusion anyone could come to after spending time seeking out how to be a good man. Marcus felt that instead of endlessly debating what a good man is or how to be one, just get out there and be one.

Different Destinations

On Friday, Sept. 6, 2002, David Kemper, executive producer and writer, Ben Browder, who played John Crichton, and Richard Manning executive producer and writer, participated in an impromptu chat. They broke the news to fans the Sci Fi Channel had decided cancel Farscape. There would be no fifth season. Fans were devastated.

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