Aron Ra sums up my thoughts in three minutes, 25 seconds.
The meeting between Zelensky and the bully bros should make it obvious the USA is finished. Sure, we’re going to go out slowly, then all at once, like most collapses. The MAGAts will cheer it on. I’m disgusted by what is happening. I am disgusted my politicians are no longer responding to the people – at all. They don’t care. They’re too busy licking the boots of the orange one, not understanding that as soon as Cheetolini doesn’t need them, he’ll kick them in the face like he has done to everyone else. I am also disgusted with the willful ignorance of those who voted for this. There is no excuse you didn’t know. You knew. You were just happy they were attacking and hurting the people you didn’t like.
I told you so. Many others told you so. If you still think all these garbage policies aren’t coming for you, I’m not going to try to help you anymore. You voted for this shit. You voted to destroy your, and everyone else’s, lives. Live with it. This is on you. When the time comes that you are suffering, I no longer care. Go find another shoulder to cry on. I’ve already been hit three times with the results of your ignorance. I have no more empathy for you.
All my fucks have gone out the window. It followed any pride I had left in this country. I don’t think any of this can be repaired.
Every day has brought more shock than the day before.
Yesterday was a colossal nightmare.
I’m trying to keep my news to a minimum, but even at that, there’s new horror each day. It’s really hard even though I know their purpose is to flood all the channels with so much information that we’re overwhelmed and stop paying attention. I haven’t quite found the balance of it all yet, so I can live and help in the fight.
Donna Thompson
100% understand and agree, Irene. This shitshow is just getting started. Trying to find a balance every day between paying attention and blocking it all out and in between trying to find ways to help is utterly exhausting. Take good care of yourself.