In an effort to share good stuff with folks and rein in my giddiness, I’m going to put out some videos this year of good stuff in video and written form that I’m reading and watching. Hopefully, it will help others take a break from the craziness of the world and see there is some good and cool stuff in this world.
Also, the Formula 1 season begins on March 14 with Free Practice 1 in Australia. Expect cool posts about F1 throughout the season.
For those who don’t know, I hold a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Although I focused on Cultural Anthropology, I still enjoyed linguistics and paleontology. I now know the reason school was so difficult for me was not because I was stupid, but the trauma, which has made it difficult to process everything in my life. Anyway, I especially like the videos of Erika, aka Gutsick Gibbon, a a current PhD student in Biological Anthropology, who also makes videos on YouTube. Whenever she hooks up with Seth Andrews of The Thinking Atheist, it’s extra special for me.
Erika sat down with Seth for a new video “How Humans Became Humans: The Evolution of You and Me,” where she walks us through seven million years of human evolution in just under two hours.
If the video is too long for you, here is a three-minute clip about Lucy from a 21-minute video[] about creationist claims about evolution.
Forrest Valkai is another science educator, who has fun while teaching people. He made this video “How full of crap can a person (actually) be? It’s worth your 20 minutes.
He also has this awesome video about bread.
If you want Erika and Forrest together at the same time talking science for an hour. I got ya covered.
Aron Ra, who also educates folks on evolution and religion, breaks down a claim Candace Owens made about evolution and dinosaurs.
DarkMatter2525 recently published a long – nearly three hours – video about Lee Strobel. I’ve been watching his videos since 2008. This video was particularly interesting to me because, when I believed in a god, Strobel always struck me as a grifter and his story never made sense. Of course, the christians I was hanging out with bought everything he wrote without any critical thinking or questioning of any kind.
Here’s why you – and me – couldn’t drive an F1 car.
Why you should be looking forward to the 2025 Formula 1 season. Formula One Management requires you to watch this on YouTube because they are money-grubbing a-holes.
Finally, if you want to enjoy being educated and laugh at the same time, watch this nine-minute video from Forrest Valkai about menstrual education. Forrest explains everything, while wearing a device that simulates menstrual pain.