The American experiment is over. You chose fascism.
I spoke a friend this morning about the results of the election. He was saddened to see the results. He was upset Nebraskans voted to make women property again. He told me, “Irene, I think we underestimated the hate that lives in this country.”
I agreed. I told him I think it’s because we’re idealists. We think the best of people. We think critically. We love one another. They only know hate and fear. They are easily led by their religious leaders, who have also convinced them a god exists.
Beginning in Nebraska, you voted to kill little girls like me. You voted for initiative 434 because you were too fucking stupid to read, research, and understand they will ban abortion completely in this state. You voted for women to be property. You have told me, I don’t count as a person and I cannot make my own decisions.
America also now has the first convicted felon to ever occupy the White House. He is teaching generations of people you can be a bully, not pay your bills, be an adjudicated rapist, be a racist, and commit other unspeakable crimes, and get away with it if you’re rich enough to game the system.
There was no excuse for you not knowing who Trump is. Anyone who chose republican in any form this election, voted for destruction. If Trump does all he says he plans to do, he will crash the economy and much more.
If you voted for Trump, you made a vote to kill me. I take that fucking personally. If the ACA is repealed, I can no longer afford the medicine I need to live. If there is a national abortion ban, which Project 2025 is seeking, many little girls will die because they no longer have the rights I had.
You voted for an extremely right-wing supreme court. There is talk that Clarence Thomas and possibly Samuel Alito will step down and Trump will install two more extremists to the court. The court will remain this way for the rest of my life and probably all of the Millennial’s lives.
You think we have inflation now? Wait til the recession hits. This is on Republicans when it happens.
Whatever is left of the free press will no longer be truly free. You will write nice things about “dear leader” and you will like it. America will also see a brain drain as scientists will no longer want to be here to do research. We will no longer be that shining beacon on a hill and rightfully so. We should not be looked up to. We are a failed state.
There are no guardrails anymore and I’m out of fucks to give. I will no longer temper my anger or reach my hand across the aisle to find consensus. If you are a Republican and you voted for any of this bullshit, just stop fucking talking to me. I’m done.
This comment sums up exactly what I’m thinking.
A comment I saw elsewhere:
“As an American, I’m out of fucks to give for my fellow Americans. It’s been almost 10 years to see who he really is, and 3/4 of us either LIKE that or are too ignorant to care.Don’t come crying when your loved one gets beaten by a police officer and they face no charges.
Don’t come crying when a friend/family member gets raped and the baby can’t be aborted, nor if they suffer a miscarriage from a pregnancy and bleed out because they can’t get medical help.
Don’t come crying when the Supreme Court is packed with 2 more far right corrupt justices and more lifelong rights start to vanish.
Don’t come crying when Ukraine aid stops and, if the rest of the world doesn’t pick up the slack, Russia takes even more land and continues killing more people.
Don’t come crying as the deficit explodes from corruption and the economy crashes as Trump lines his own pockets.
Don’t come crying when our education system bottoms out because Elon guts the government so that, combined with project 2025 ending all abortion care, poor people are forced to raise lots of stupid babies to run his factories.
Don’t come crying when worker protections are cut and overtime pay is all but eliminated.
Don’t. Complain. To. Me. I’ll ask who you voted for and then laugh in your fucking face. ‘But. But. I didn’t think. . . ‘
‘Of course you didn’t fucking think. You voted for him. Well, we tried to tell you. We tried to reason with you. We tried to compromise, but no. You just had to take your stand on whatever single fucking issue.’”
This country’s 250th anniversary will actually be its funeral. You voted for fascism. You fucking own it.