Do you ever get so angry that you find it difficult to form words? Are you ever so upset you’re on the verge of tears and you wonder how to overcome it? I’m there right now. This past week has been so upsetting, given the absolutely shit decisions from the Supreme Court, I am finding it hard to write anything without the word “fuck” involved.

I generally don’t celebrate the Fourth for a few reasons. I can’t take the fireworks. The sounds are a big trigger for me, so I spend a lot of time in my basement with my ear plugs in.

The Fourth is only a day to celebrate if you are a straight, white, male. I don’t fit in that category, nor do most of my friends. I could write an entire post on this, but I am sure I’d be preaching to the choir if I did.

There has been nothing to celebrate since Roe v. Wade was overturned. Given the fact the court wants to roll back every protection that was hard fought for, what is there to celebrate? Should I celebrate the christian nationalists who will not be happy until every woman is chained to the kitchen? Should I celebrate how they are working to ban abortion, contraceptives, and same-sex marriage? Should I celebrate the real prospect of not having clean drinking water in the future? Should I celebrate that I now live in a country where a convicted rapist, convicted 34-count felon, and general despicable human being has a shot at the highest office in the country where he has professed over and over how he wants to be a dictator and eliminate/execute anyone who doesn’t kiss his ass?

Should I celebrate the six, unelected people, who are shoving their christian nationalist agenda down our throats? Should I celebrate how, if these people have their way, I will be a target to them? Should I celebrate the fact that, if Cheetolini is elected to the office again, he will have at least two more picks for the Supreme Court, essentially turning it into a far-right, christian nationalist court for the rest of my life?

Should I be celebrating the horror that is Project 2025 or Agenda 47?

The only way to overcome it is to vote. I would like one day to be able to celebrate the 4th and not think about the hate and the desired genocide of so many Americans toward anyone who is different from them. It just doesn’t seem like that is ever going to happen.